327 research outputs found

    Small Tauriscan silver coins of the Varaždin type

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    Avtor je zbral vso dokumentacijo o malih srebrnikih tipa Varaždin. Trinajst novcev je bilo mogoče uvrstiti v tri skupine, za vse pa je na sprednji in zadnji strani novca značilna upodobitev konja, ki v vseh podrobnostih ustreza upodobitvam konja na tetradrahmah. Prvi dve skupini ustrezata tetradrahmam skupine Varaždin A, medtem ko novci tretje skupine predstavljajo drobiž tetradrahem skupine Varaždin B. Samo za dva novca tretje skupine poznamo njihovo provenienco (Celje in Györ). Mali srebrniki kot dvanajstinski del velikih novcev so bili kovani istočasno s tetradrahmami ob koncu prve polovice 2. stoletja pr. Kr.The author has collected all relevant documentation about thirteen small silver Taurisci coins of the Varaždin type. It was possible to assign them to three groups. The depiction of the horse on both sides of the coin is characteristic for all groups. It matches in all details the depictions of horses on tetradrachms. Small silver coins of the first two groups correspond to tetradrachms of the Varaždin A group, and coins of the third group to tetradrachms of the Varaždin B group. The provenance is known only for two coins of the third group (Celje and Györ). The coins correspond to one third of a drachm or one twelfth of the large silver coin of that type. Small silver coins of the Varaždin type were minted at the end of the first half of the 2nd century BC

    Small silver Tauriscan coins of the Đurđevac type

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    Avtor je zbral vso dokumentacijo o malih tavriških srebrnikih tipa Đurđevac. Dokazati je bilo mogoče kovanje dveh skupin malih novcev tega tipa. Prva skupina ima na sprednji strani upodobljeno tako imenovano Apolonovo glavo, na zadnji strani konja, novci druge skupine pa imajo na obeh straneh upodobljenega konja. Novci ustrezajo tretjinskemu delu drahme oziroma dvanajstini velikih srebrnikov tega tipa. Podobno kot tetradrahme tega tipa je tudi kovanje njihovega drobiža mogoče časovno umestiti na konec 2. stoletja pr. Kr.The author has collected all relevant documentation about the small silver Taurisci coins of the Đurđevac type. It was possible to prove that two groups of small change of this type had been minted. The first group has a so-called head of Apollo on the obverse, with a horse on the reverse, while the coins of the second group have a horse depicted on both sides. The coins correspond to one third of a drachm or one twelfth of the large silver coin of that type. Similarly to the tetradrachms of this type, the minting of their small change can be chronologically classified to the end of the 2nd century BC

    Barriers in the Julian Alps and Notitia Dignitatum

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    Avtor analizira opis in upodobitev funkcije comes Italiae v priročniku Notitia dignitatum iz začetka 5. stoletja in ugotavlja, da pod izrazom tractus Italiae circa Alpes ni mogoče razumeti celotnega alpskega pasu od Ligurskega morja do Kvarnerskega zaliva. Predstavlja tudi argumente, da se lahko izraz nanaša samo na linijske zaporne zidove s stolpi v Julijskih Alpah iz 4. stoletja, za katere uporabljamo tudi poimenovanje Amijana Marcelina claustra Alpium Iuliarum. Izraz se ne more nanašati na globinsko obrambo, ki je bila vzpostavljena po prenehanju delovanja linijskih zapor v začetku 5. stoletja. V Notitia dignitatum omenjenih treh legij Iuliae Alpinae, ki jih prav zaradi naziva povezujemo z Julijskimi Alpami, pa ne moremo vzporejati s funkcijo comes Italiae.The author analyses the description and depiction of the function of the comes Italiae in the manual Notitia Dignitatum from the beginning of the 5th century, and establishes that the term tractus Italiae circa Alpes cannot be understood to mean the entire Alpine belt from the Ligurian Sea to the Bay of Kvarner. The argument is also presented that the expression refers only to the line of barrier walls with towers in the Julian Alps from the 4th century, for which the term from Ammianus Marcellinus is also used, i.e. claustra Alpium Iuliarum. The expression need not refer to the system of defence-in-depth that was placed after the cease in activity of the linear barriers at the beginning of the 5th century. The three legions of the Iuliae Alpinae mentioned by the Notitia Dignitatum, which must be related to the Julian Alps because of this name, cannot be connected to the function of comes Italia


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    Claustra Alpium Iuliarum is a late Roman linear defence system that consisted of walls, towers, and fortresses, and was intended to defend against incursions into Italy from the eastern and northeastern parts of the Empire. In contrast to the outer borders of the Roman Empire, it was constructed in the late third/early fourth centuries inside the borders of the Roman state, along the geographical line dividing northeastern Italy from Illyricum. It lies in the mountainous area of the Julian Alps (uninhabited even in modern times), extending from the northern Adriatic (Rijeka in Croatia) to the Soča valley in Slovenia. The most important via publica between Aquileia and Emona was defended by three linear defence lines.The author presents literary sources and numismatic evidence, as well as the results of archaeological excavations, and points out the chronological problems connected with the construction of this late Roman defence structure

    A Celtic gold stater from the vicinity of Radoboj (Croatia)

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    Around 1840, a gold coin was discovered near Radoboj (northwestern Croatia), a Celtic imitation of a gold stater of Alexander III of type Athena/Nike. In 2019, during archaeological excavation of the Roman temple at Frauenberg, near Leibnitz (Austria), two imitations of staters of the same type were excavated. Of these, one coin was minted with the same dies for obverse and reverse as the coin from Radoboj, which undoubtedly testifies to minting in the same mint. In the area of north-western Croatia and eastern Slovenia, four other Athena/Nike staters can be documented at four other sites. To date, 83 Athena/Nike imitations have been discovered in Central Europe, of which 32 coins originate from 26 sites. Seven coins from six sites in the area south of the middle course of the Mura and Drava rivers therefore significantly complement the current record of finds of these earliest Celtic coin finds in Central Europe. At the same time, it proves that the minting of this group of imitations can be attributed to the local Celtic tribes sometime in the middle of the 3rd century BC

    Tri Gracije iz Ptuja

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    Im Jahre 1956 wurde im Fluss Drava in Ptuj ein keramischer Deckel von 7,8 cm Durchmesser mit der Reliefabbildung dreier Grazien in ihrer üblichen Darstellung gefunden. Auf einer Basislinie stehen drei nackte Grazien, von denen die beiden aussen stehenden von vorne und die in der Mitte stehende von rückwärts dargestellt sind. Am oberen Rand des Reliefs sind die Reste der Inschrift [.. .]f[__ _.]hrit vdoa mor erhalten, was mit den Worten pulchritudo und amor zu lesen ist; das erste Wort kann [gra]t[za] heißen. Die Entstehung des höchstwahrscheinlich in Ptuj angefertigten Deckels ist aufgrund von Analogien an den Übergang vom 2. zum 3. Jahrhundert zu setzen

    Interpretacija (antičnih) novčnih najdb. Metodologija - njene možnosti in pasti

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    Avtor pojasnjuje in s številnimi primeri ilustrira različne metode analitične primerjave gibanj zastopanosti antičnih novcev v denarnem obtoku. Namen članka je opozoriti na visoko stopnjo zanesljivosti tovrstne analize oziroma interpretacije novčnih najdb (posamičnih, zakladnih in grobnih), obenem pa opozarja tudi na možne pasti pri ne dovolj kritični interpretaciji. Na ta način izpostavlja pomen novčnih najdb kot primarnega zgodovinskega vira.The author explains and illustrates with a number of examples various methods of analytical comparison of variations in the appearance of Roman coins in monetary circulation. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the high level of reliability of this kind of analysis or interpretation of coin finds (individual, hoard and grave), and at the same time to draw attention also to possible pitfalls in inadequately critical interpretation. The importance of coin finds as a primary historical source is thus established